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Dedicated to Deliver Results for Our Community

Frances Wittenberg is running for the next ISD 709 School Board in 2025. As a change manager, problem solver, and critical and strategic thinker, she is excited to bring her experience and passion to serving the school district and the community stakeholders- the parents and families of students enrolled. She is honored to have taught and instructed Air Force first-line supervisors how to become influential military professionals, leaders, and communicators.

Her platform is focused on creating equitable and inclusive learning environments, developing meaningful community partnerships, and increasing transparency and engagement throughout the school district's decision-making. She is committed to ensuring our students have the best possible educational experience.


Campaign Goals: C.A.R.E

Frances Wittenberg is a proud mother, wife, veteran, and community leader. After serving over 21 years in the Air Force, Frances and her family decided to move to Minnesota from Oklahoma in August 2020. One of the reasons for moving is to provide her family the opportunity to receive the quality of education Minnesota is known to offer. She learned that although the school district had made some tough decisions in the past, Frances believes that she can contribute to the school district by offering her leadership experience and her diverse perspective of making those decisions involving our children's future through CARE: Communication, Accountability, Respect, and Equality for all.

We must "CARE" for our children's education so they can take care of our future.


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